Boero Group
The story begins with a cart, a horse and a white lead powder factory...
Almost two centuries of history strongly built through the human factor and a leading principle: to go beyond the concept of the product (the company that manufactures and sells), positioning itself as a company that develops its strategies through research, innovation, production, distribution, care and attention to the environment.

The Genoa-based company belongs to a very few companies in Italy that can retrace with the memory almost two centuries of its history: founded in 1831 with the acquisition of a small factory that made white lead powder, we find the Boero family, whose entrepreneurial spirit, together with the introduction of strategic and innovative technologies, let to reach a rapid development in the field of paints for building already at the beginning of ‘900.
Today Boero Bartolomeo S.p.A. states with a leading position within the colorful market of paint products in three strategic areas: Architecture & Decorative, Yachting and Marine. This primacy is synonymous of success, resulting from a great tradition that blends into a new culture of colour.

Boero Group has built its distinctive corporate profile on storied brands, remarkable people and scientific innovation.
Boero and the people who work for the Group have an ongoing commitment to represent Italian excellence in colour, resulting in quality products, a broad-based distribution infrastructure, professional support and a concern for health and the environment.
Italy is admired across the globe for its art, creativity and beauty, and Boero expresses this excellence in colour with unrivalled mastery.
Boero Group regards sustainability as a key value and a long-term investment in development that respects human and local resources, with a special focus on future generations.
Environmental, health and safety regulations are becoming more stringent every day, but Boero Group sees them as another opportunity to improve for its customers and consumers.
As a result, sustainability is approached from the perspective of both products and processes:
• Ongoing improvement of production process efficiency;
• Scrupulous attention to the environment in every stage, from factory to point of sale;
• Preferential choice of high-performance, state-of-the-art raw materials with traceable provenance (local or Italian if possible);
• Development of innovative water emulsion-based products with low environmental impact and minimal emissions of volatile organic compounds;
• Implementation of application cycles that make an active contribution to energy saving in buildings;
• Durability of coatings and paints;
• Studies on the effect of colour on living comfort;
• Introduction of tools and instruments that reduce the physical strain required from operators;
• Introduction of innovative accident prevention and safety at work solutions.